
Thursday, May 23, 2013

My New Classroom!

My school is expanding next year and in doing that we are moving buildings. Some of the staff is less than thrilled about the change, but I am super excited. I don't know if it's because I will have a "real" classroom or actually get to teach structured lessons or even because it will be my first whole year of teaching, but I am counting down the days until next year starts.

This year, our entire program is computer based, self-paced with the exception of some supplemental direct instruction. For me, this was a wonderful first job since I never actually did student teaching. The environment was really relaxed for the first month and then things started changing. We started shifting our focus on TAKS and EOC prep and it was a back and forth as to what we were actually supposed to be doing- computer or direct instruction. In the middle of all of the chaos, I learned that next year Algebra 1 would be completely direct taught. I couldn't be more excited. I have spent the last month researching and creating my interactive notebook for next year. In addition to the complete direct taught approach, they are hiring 2 more math teachers!

With the expansion of our school, we are moving across the street to a bigger building (more than 6 classrooms) that actually feels like a school. Donna and I have been bugging our Principal for about a month now to go over and see the new school and finally she let us go yesterday! It was very exciting!

Let me tell you, I love my room. It is nice and spacious. I have a window, TWO white boards and tons of shelves! I also have circle tables which I'm excited to see how I'm going to incorporate them into my classroom arrangement. I had already planned on doing a lot of group work because I want to give my students every opportunity to be successful, I just wasn't planning on them always sitting in a group setting.

I got some good ideas from the teacher in the room now about lay out and she gave me some decoration ideas. We have one more week of school and then I have the entire summer to come up with awesome ideas for my classroom. I'll post about my interactive notebook and if I ever complete any of these decoration projects :)

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