
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Today, I take my PPR Exam. I am alternatively certified and had to pass my content exam before being hired, but I had to wait 3 months after working to take my PPR. I was planning on taking it this summer, but the district had other plans. So now here I am, a week before my students take their Algebra 1 EOC having to take a day off of work to take this thing. Let me tell you studying for this thing was hard. Not because the content is particularly hard, but because I have been out of school for almost 6 months now and I forgot how much I disliked the whole studying thing. But I took a couple of practice tests and did fine on them so I'm feeling confident for my test today.


Well it is now Wednesday and I started this post on Monday. I have gotten my scores back and I PASSED! It was no real surprise but it is still satisfying to get good results back! I also finished all of the required projects for my certification program so I just have to get 27 more professional development hours and work another semester and I will get my standard certificate! This week I also signed my contract for next school year and will officially be teaching Algebra 1. 

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