
Friday, May 3, 2013

First Blog Post Ever!

So this is my first blog post...EVER.

I thought I would start by telling you a little bit about me:

I went to Texas A&M and got my degree in Applied Math with Economics as my emphasis.

I am a math nerd. I absolutely love it and so far I have really enjoyed teaching it.

I took some education classes in college but in order to graduate in a timely fashion I did not do my student teaching and did an alternative certification program.

I got hired the day I graduated, which was real exciting.

I work at an alternative high school for students who are at risk for graduating.

I teach Algebra 1 and the TAKS prep class.

I have become really good friends with everyone I work with.

When I'm not at school (which is almost always these days), I enjoy hanging out with my boyfriend, my sister (aka my roommate) and my puppy.

I like to think of myself as crafty, but I don't have much time to do things.

I have recently become obsessed with Interactive Notebooks and I will be using one next year in my Algebra 1 class.

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