
Friday, May 10, 2013

Thankful :)

This post goes out to my wonderful administration! I work at a very small school-there are 8 teachers total and 5 members of administration. Because it is so small we are kind of like a family. I have only worked here for a semester and some of these people have worked together for years and they have adopted me and made me feel very welcomed! I would not change this first teaching experience far anything. They keep telling me that I'm getting spoiled and if I ever move to a big school, I'm going to have a hard time adjusting.

Anyways, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and yesterday my principal, counselor, and secretary bought all of us lunch. It wasn't just a sandwich tray, they got us OLIVE GARDEN! I love Olive Garden-it is probably my favorite restaurant. After they filled us up with yummy Italian food, the cafeteria worker from across the street made us all apple cobbler. Let me just say I was one happy teacher! But man was it hard to finish the rest of the day. It probably didn't help that it was dark and cloudy outside but I wanted to take a nap so bad. 

Then this morning they had donuts in the teacher's lounge for breakfast! I am just feeling very thankful of the awesome administration here at my school!

A little side story-after school I went to Hobby Lobby to buy my Mother's Day presents and as I mentioned earlier it was dark and cloudy. Well it wasn't raining much when I got there so I figured if I got in and out real fast then I would get home before the bad rain would hit. However, as soon as I stepped into Hobby Lobby it started POURING! I walked around a couple of times to wait it out but it didn't seem to be so I just sucked it up and left. That was a mistake--the streets were flooded, it was raining so hard I couldn't see, and it started hailing half way home. So now this Mother's Day present should mean a whole lot more to my mom!

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