
About Me

Back in my first year of teaching, I mentioned starting a blog and 2 of my students came up with the title "Bananas + Nuts = Apples", because they felt it represented their feeling of math--confusing and doesn't make sense.

I went to Texas A&M (I am a third generation) and got my degree in Applied Math with a minor in Economics.

I am a math nerd. I absolutely love it. My friend Garrett was my partner in crime in college and we were probably the biggest nerds EVER!

I took some education classes in college but in order to graduate in a timely fashion I did not do my student teaching and did an alternative certification program.

I got hired the day I graduated, which was real exciting. I got my 2nd job on my 24th birthday.

I spent my first 3 years working at an alternative, drop-out prevention high school and now work at a 5A Title 1 HS.

I teach Algebra 1. Most of my students have experienced failure in math all of their high school career and I have made it my mission to have them to have some success in math.

I married my best friend in June 2014.

We have a german shepherd/husky mix puppy, Kyrie, who keeps life interesting. She loves to play tug, hide and seek, and to nap! She might be the cutest puppy ever. We decided she needed a friend and got Ava who is a bit of a crazy pup. She definitely has a weird personality and we love it!

I like to think of myself as crafty, but I don't have much time to do these things. When we moved to Austin last year, I couldn't find a full time job so while I was subbing I started a craft blog that you can read

When I first started teaching, I became obsessed with Interactive Notebooks and using Sarah as an inspiration used them successfully my 2nd year teaching.

I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl, but it was my Pre-Cal teacher who inspired me to teach high school math.

We watch a lot of series on Netflix. It might be a problem. 

I hope to use this blog to inspire/encourage someone, somewhere with my personal experiences in the classroom as well as let it serve as a scrapbook of sorts from my teaching career.

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