
Thursday, May 9, 2013


You may be asking yourself "Why Bananas + Nuts = Apples?" Well here is the story for you:

I have had this blog for a while but I hadn't posted anything because I couldn't think of a title. So one day last week I went to the science teacher (who is my partner in crime here at school) and asked her if she could think of anything but we were both out of ideas. This is when I turned to my students for an idea. They are always coming up with weird, crazy things to say so I thought this would be easy for them. I was wrong. I gave them the parameters that it had to be cute, about math and it had to be appropriate. This was really hard for most of them. I had one boy jokingly come up with Bananas+Nuts=Apples (He told me that this was the way he views math---it just doesn't make sense). His idea was the only one that really even had anything to do with math so I picked it. He was real surprised when I picked his idea. He told me that my blog needed to have fruit all over it and I told him that if he would draw me a picture then I would make it my profile picture.

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