
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Fourth Year, Fourth Classroom

Well this is the fourth classroom for me in my short 4 year career. All of my classrooms have been very different in their layouts, but this one feels the most like a traditional classroom.

I know it is late into October, but everyone enjoys seeing classroom layout pictures. Please note that my room has changed even more since these pictures were taken. I also move my desks pretty frequently to accommodate the different activities we do, but they default back into groups.

A lot of my posters and decorations I got from Sarah on If you haven't checked her out, you should! She comes up with some amazing graphic organizers and foldables for all levels of math!

BEFORE PICTURES:   The room looks so white and boring!

AFTER: (Note that it changes just a bit in some of the pictures because I moved the giant useless TV cabinet)
My desk

The back of the room. Each period has a bin to keep their journals in. The board to the left is my information station where I have the bell schedule in a pocket chart because we have 3 different bell schedules depending on Pep Rallys, intervention time, and regular Fridays. I can just switch the times depending on the event happeneng that day. The class calendar is laminated and I write on with wet erase markers. It has due dates and school events. I have my tutorial schedule on the clipboard and have my students sign up to ensure a teacher stays and that they have their work. I'll post about tutorials later.

My word wall above the student supply center. These are words that I had typed out and laminated from last year. The definitions are on the back and they are attached to some twine with clothes pins.

My changing mindset, anchor chart, and problem solving wall. We are required to build anchor charts with each unit and this space is where they are "retired" when the unit is done.

I moved the Promethean Board to the long wall and the TV cabinet by the bookshelf. We don't have cable at school and the announcements don't run on the TV's. The cabinets are locked on the shelf  and the keys have been lost so it is literally useless to me. I was told it couldn't be removed because  the district spent a lot of money on software to project my calculator on it years ago. I HAVE A PROMETHEAN BOARD THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET!!! haha Education doesn't make sense sometimes.

My corner of the room. I have important things posted on the little board by my desk of things students and staff have given me. It encourages me when I'm having a bad day.

I use this board to post my objectives and success criteria. I also used some of the class norms from On the table are the trays for students to turn in work. I also have all the handouts/supplies for the day on the table so students can pick them up as they come in. (**Update: I moved these to the counter in the back corner because that's where I store extra supplies and I got lazy moving them every day)

Outside my room. Some inspirational math posters and our tutorial calendar. 

Close up of my desk area.

I hope you enjoyed a sneak peak into my classroom. I'll post about some specific details in future posts.
Check back for an awesome update on my class schedule!

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