
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Last Day of Summer!

So tomorrow we start our inservice at school and I am not looking forward to waking up early again. I am lucky in that I only have to be there for the morning because I have comp time from my summer training, but I will probably stay and finish up the rest of my room. I hope to post pictures tomorrow of my classroom. For now, here are pictures of the before. I am lucky and have a fairly big classroom, but it started off really white and boring.
I get 6 computers in my class for projects and stuff!

This is a view from the door of my desk.

And a view of the left side of the room from the door.
I have circle tables this year and I am excited about the 
group environment they will lead to, but am nervous about
individual work time.

The TV doesn't work and the door leads to a mechanical closet.

The view of my class from the front board

And the door from my desk.

I am excited that I have a bulletin board in my room. Now
I just have to decide what to put on it...

The trays were leftovers from last year. Most of them were
a little broken or roughed up and teachers were throwing them
away. The magazine holders I got at a thrift store for a quarter each.
I bought two bottles of spray paint and turned the ugly black and green
into blue and pink. $10 project! I'm all about saving money :)

I bought myself a laminator this summer and haven't used it yet.
I found some things on the internet this year (mostly from the blog
and took some time to print and laminate them. This thing rocks and I think I'm addicted.

I spent most of last week in my room setting it up and organizing the math department closet. I am the unofficial math department head meaning that they don't have money in the budget to give me a stipend, but I am in charge of the math department. I don't really know what to do with this. There were only two of us last year and we had the same planning period and I would just go talk to him during that time. This year there are four of us, each teaching a different subject and I have more experience by one semester. 

I get to teach Algebra 1 this year! I am so excited since this is my favorite type of math. Originally, there were going to be two of us direct teaching it, but many of our students have already passed the EOC and just need credit recovery so the other teacher will be handling those students with the computer program we use. I will be direct teaching and I couldn't be more happy. Don't get me wrong, not having to prep every night like last year would be awesome, but now I actually get to TEACH EVERY DAY! I am planning on doing an interactive notebook that closely follows the district curriculum. I have gotten a lot of ideas from Sarah and her blog (I linked above) and I feel really good about this year. 

I am currently planning my first day of school activity and revising my syllabus that I made at the beginning of the summer. I am looking forward to school starting, but I am sad that summer is over. 

By the way, I booked my wedding venue and bought my dress this weekend. June 14 can't come fast enough.